Recognize Childcare as essential infrastructure and fund it accordingly. The COVID-19 pandemic made more clear than ever the universal need for childcare - the system of support that enables parents and caregivers to work and to care for themselves and their communities. The high cost of childcare in Seattle and the lack of available slots combine to render childcare inaccessible for many, with a disproportionate impact on families of color (including underfunded caregivers such as family members, friends, and neighbors). By investing $153.7 million in childcare for all, we’re investing in the future of our young people, and in the well-being of all families with children. Key recommendations include:
Expanding culturally-specific providers, and expanding options for care (including expanded infant and toddler care and drop-in care), and expanding spaces where care can happen.
Expanding existing childcare subsidies to serve more families, and creating a pilot income support program
Funding for mentoring and parent leadership development, parent education, and mental health support for parents.