To endorse the budget, fill out the form and we will get in touch.

2024 Endorsements

Black Brilliance Research

CARW West Seattle Neighborhood Cohort (2020-1A)

Coalition for Rights & Safety for People in the Sex Trade


House Our Neighbors

Lake City Taskforce on Homelessness

No Tech For Apartheid - Seattle


Rainier Beach Action Coalition


Seattle Democratic Socialists of America

Shared Spaces Foundation

SM Watts Consulting, LLC

The Beacon Cinema

Wallingford Indivisible

API Chaya


Central Seattle Greenways

Community Collaboratory

Got Green

Inclusive Data

National Lawyers Guild at the University of Washington

Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN)

People Power

Real Change

Seattle Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador

Share The Cities Organizing Collective

Single Spark Seattle

Surge Reproductive Justice

The Rhapsody Project

Whose Streets? Our Streets! (WSOS)


Now it’s your turn

To also endorse, fill out the form here and we will get in touch.