
Stop Surveillance City Sign-On Letter
Last September, SPD asked the city for money to buy 3 new surveillance technologies: Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV), Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC), and Acoustic Gunshot Location System (AGLS such as Shotspotter).
In the year since SPD made that request: the people of Seattle have repeatedly and overwhelming said they do not want these surveillance technologies in their communities; both the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the Community Surveillance Working Group (CSWG) recommended against these technologies due to all of the documented harms they cause; and the Mayor & SPD stopped pursuing AGLS in an attempt to placate the public who keep saying they do not want any of these technologies.
Council member Bob Kettle has introduced legislation that would allow SPD to buy the 2 remaining surveillance technologies (CCTV & RTCC) and has said he plans to rush that legislation through City Council in less than one month.
This attempt at increased mass surveillance is happening as City Council & the Mayor increase spending on jails; increase criminalization including bills to bring back SODA, SOAP, & loitering laws; and cut social spending including for student mental health. This is austerity and mass incarceration in action.
There has also been a rise in gun and other violence in BIPOC communities. We are in desperate need of solutions to improve public safety and our feelings of security, but what we need are real solutions and actions that do not exacerbate issues or create new harm and suffering. Our communities are already over-policed and over-surveilled, and if these approaches were effective, then they would have already worked. The proposed plan will only serve to increase policing and surveillance and expand mass incarceration; not to address the root causes and social issues that are leading to the harm.
This sign on letter is another avenue to tell City Council members and the Mayor, we do not want more police surveillance, we do not want more criminalization & incarceration, and we do not want to further divestment from our communities.
We want investment in our communities, our people, and our kids. We want to increase programs that address the root causes of violence so harm doesn't happen in the first place.
Sign-On by completing this form.
View Public Letter HERE
_____________________________________________________ SPANISH
Carta de inicio de sesión de la ciudad de detener la vigilancia
En Septiembre pasado, el Departamento de Policía de Seattle (SPD) pidió dinero a la ciudad para comprar 3 nuevas tecnologías de vigilancia: Cámaras de Televisión de Circuito Cerrado (CCTV), Centro de Crimen en Tiempo Real (RTCC) y Sistema Acústico de Localización de Disparos (AGLS como detección de disparos ).
En el año desde que el SPD hizo esa solicitud: la gente de Seattle ha dicho repetida y abrumadoramente que no quiere estas tecnologías de vigilancia en sus comunidades; tanto la Oficina de Derechos Civiles (OCR) como el Grupo de Trabajo de Vigilancia Comunitaria (CSWG) recomendaron en contra de estas tecnologías debido a todos los daños documentados que causan; y el alcalde y el SPD dejaron de perseguir AGLS en un intento de apaciguar al público que sigue diciendo que no quieren ninguna de estas tecnologías.
El miembro del Consejo Bob Kettle ha presentado una legislación que permitiría al SPD comprar las 2 tecnologías de vigilancia restantes (CCTV y RTCC) y ha dicho que planea apresurar esa legislación a través del Ayuntamiento en menos de un mes. Este intento de aumentar la vigilancia masiva está ocurriendo a medida que el Ayuntamiento y el alcalde aumentan el gasto en cárceles; aumentan la criminalización, incluidos los proyectos de ley para recuperar las leyes de Manténgase fuera de las áreas de drogas (SODA) Manténgase fuera de las áreas de prostitución (SOAP) y de merodeo; y reducen el gasto social, incluso para la salud mental de los estudiantes. Esto es austeridad y encarcelamiento masivo en acción. También ha habido un aumento en las armas de fuego y otras violencias en las comunidades BIPOC.
Necesitamos desesperadamente soluciones para mejorar la seguridad pública y nuestro sentimiento de seguridad, pero lo que necesitamos son soluciones y acciones reales que no incrementen los problemas o creen nuevos daños y sufrimientos. Nuestras comunidades ya están sobre policiacas y sobre vigiladas, y si estos enfoques fueran efectivos, entonces ya habrían funcionado. El plan propuesto solo servirá para aumentar la vigilancia policial y ampliar el encarcelamiento masivo; no para abordar las causas fundamentales y los problemas sociales que están llevando al daño.
Esta carta de firma es otra vía para decirles a los miembros del Ayuntamiento y al alcalde que no queremos más vigilancia policial, no queremos más criminalización y encarcelamiento, y no queremos más desinversión de nuestras comunidades. Queremos invertir en nuestras comunidades, nuestra gente y nuestros hijos. Queremos aumentar los programas que aborden las causas fundamentales de la violencia para que el daño no ocurra en primer lugar.
Firme al completar este formulario.'
_______________________________________________ SOMALI
Bishii Sebtembar ee la soo dhaafay, SPD waxay magaaladda ka codsatay lacag si ay u iibsato 3 teknoolojiyad basaasid oo cusub: Kaamirooyinka Telefishinka Wareegga Gaar ah (CCTV), Xarunta Dembiyada Waqtiga-Dhabta ah (RTCC), iyo Nidaamka Meelaynta Rasaasta Maqalka ee Hubka (AGLS sida Shotspotter).
Sanadkii la soo dhaafay tan iyo markii SPD samaysay codsigaas, dadka Seattle si isdaba joog ah waxay si baahsan u sheegeen inay rabin teknoolojiyadan basaasida inay ka jirto bulshadooda; xafiiska Xuquuqda Madaniga ah (OCR) iyo Kooxda Shaqada Bulshada ee Basaasidda (CSWG) labaduba waxay ku taliyeen in laga soo horjeesto teknoolojiyadan sababo la xiriira dhibaatooyinka la diiwaangeliyay ee ay keenaan; halka Duqa Magaalada iyo SPD ay joojiyeen raadinta AGLS si ay ugu qanciyaan dadweynaha oo mar kasta sheegayay inay rabin teknoolojiyadan oo dhan.
Xildhibaan Bob Kettle ayaa soo bandhigay sharciga ogolaanaya SPD inay iibsato labada teknoolojiyadood ee ka hadhsan (CCTV iyo RTCC), wuxuuna sheegay inuu qorsheynayo inuu sharcigaas ku dhex mariyo Golaha Magaalada wax ka yar hal bil gudaheed.
Isku daygan basaasidda ballaaran wuxuu dhacayaa xilli Golaha Magaalada iyo Duqa Magaalada ay kordhiyeen kharashka lagu bixinayo xabsiyada; kordhiyeen sharciga dambiyada oo ay ku jiraan shuruucda soo celinta SODA, SOAP, iyo sharciyada dad-joogista; sidoo kale hoos u dhigeen lacagaha bulshada oo ay ku jiraan caafimaadka maskaxda ardayda. Tani waa cunaqabatayn iyo xabsi ballaaran oo ficil ah.
Sidoo kale waxaa sii kordhay rabshadaha hubka iyo kuwa kale ee ka jira bulshooyinka BIPOC. Waxaan u baahan nahay xalal degdeg ah si loo hagaajiyo ammaanka dadweynaha iyo dareenka badbaadada, laakiin waxa aan u baahan nahay waa xalal dhab ah iyo tallaabooyin aan dhibaatooyinka sii kordhin ama abuurin dhibaatooyin iyo xanuun cusub. Bulshadeena hore ayaa loo basaasay oo si xad dhaaf ah loo ilaaladaa, haddii hababkan ay waxtar lahaayeen, hore ayay u shaqeyn lahaayeen. Qorshaha la soo jeediyay wuxuu kaliya u adeegayaa kordhinta basaasidda iyo booliseynta, iyo ballaarinta xabsiyada; mana ahan inuu wax ka qabto sababaha dhibaatooyinka aasaasiga ah ee keena dhibaatada.
Warqadan saxeexa waa waddo kale oo lagu sheego xubnaha Golaha Magaalada iyo Duqa Magaalada, in aanu rabin boolis badan oo basaasid ah, aanu rabin dambeyn iyo xabsiyo badan, iyo inaanu rabin sii yaraanta maalgashiga bulshadeena.
Waxaan rabnaa maalgashi bulshadeena, dadkeena, iyo carruurteena. Waxaan rabnaa inaan kordhino barnaamijyada wax ka qabta sababaha aasaasiga ah ee rabshadaha si aysan dhibaatadu u dhicin meesha ugu horreysa.
Saxeex oo buuxi foomkan. Eeg Warqadda Dadweynaha Halkan.
________________________________________________ VIETNAMESE
Thư ký thành phố ngừng giám sát
Tháng 9 năm ngoái, SPD đã yêu cầu thành phố cấp tiền để mua 3 công nghệ giám sát mới: Camera truyền hình mạch kín (CCTV), Trung tâm tội phạm thời gian thực (RTCC) và Hệ thống định vị tiếng súng phát ra (AGLS như Shotspotter).
Trong năm kể từ khi SPD đưa ra yêu cầu đó: người dân Seattle đã nhiều lần và áp đảo nói rằng họ không muốn các công nghệ giám sát này trong cộng đồng của họ; cả Văn phòng Dân quyền (OCR) và Nhóm công tác giám sát cộng đồng (CSWG) đều khuyến nghị không nên sử dụng các công nghệ này do tất cả các tác hại đã được ghi nhận mà chúng gây ra; và Thị trưởng & SPD đã ngừng theo đuổi AGLS để cố gắng xoa dịu công chúng, những người vẫn nói rằng họ không muốn bất kỳ công nghệ nào trong số này.
Thành viên hội đồng Bob Kettle đã đưa ra luật cho phép SPD mua 2 công nghệ giám sát còn lại (CCTV & RTCC) và cho biết ông có kế hoạch thông qua luật này trong vòng chưa đầy một tháng.
Nỗ lực tăng cường giám sát hàng loạt này đang diễn ra khi Hội đồng thành phố & Thị trưởng tăng chi tiêu cho nhà tù; tăng cường hình sự hóa bao gồm các dự luật khôi phục luật SODA, SOAP và luật tụ tập; và cắt giảm chi tiêu xã hội bao gồm cả cho sức khỏe tâm thần của sinh viên. Đây chính là chính sách thắt lưng buộc bụng và giam giữ hàng loạt.
Cũng có sự gia tăng bạo lực súng đạn và các loại bạo lực khác trong cộng đồng BIPOC. Chúng ta đang rất cần các giải pháp để cải thiện an toàn công cộng và cảm giác an toàn của chúng ta, nhưng những gì chúng ta cần là các giải pháp và hành động thực sự không làm trầm trọng thêm các vấn đề hoặc tạo ra tác hại và đau khổ mới. Cộng đồng của chúng ta đã bị cảnh sát và giám sát quá mức, và nếu các cách tiếp cận này có hiệu quả, thì chúng đã có hiệu quả rồi. Kế hoạch đề xuất sẽ chỉ phục vụ cho việc tăng cường cảnh sát và giám sát và mở rộng giam giữ hàng loạt; không giải quyết được nguyên nhân gốc rễ và các vấn đề xã hội dẫn đến tác hại.
Lá thư ký tên này là một cách khác để nói với các thành viên Hội đồng thành phố và Thị trưởng rằng chúng tôi không muốn cảnh sát giám sát nhiều hơn, chúng tôi không muốn hình sự hóa và giam giữ nhiều hơn, và chúng tôi không muốn tiếp tục thoái vốn khỏi cộng đồng của mình.
Chúng tôi muốn đầu tư vào cộng đồng, người dân và con cái của chúng tôi. Chúng tôi muốn tăng cường các chương trình giải quyết tận gốc nguyên nhân gây ra bạo lực để không xảy ra tổn hại ngay từ đầu.
Đăng ký bằng cách hoàn thành biểu mẫu này.
________________________________________________ MANDARIN
去年 9 月,西雅图警察 (SPD) 要求市政府提供资金购买 3 项新监视技术:闭路电视摄像机 (CCTV)、实时犯罪中心 (RTCC) 和声学枪声定位系统 (AGLS,如 Shotspotter)。
自 SPD 提出该请求以来的一年里:西雅图人民一再表示他们不希望在他们的社区中使用这些监视技术;民权办公室 (OCR) 和社区监视工作组 (CSWG) 都建议不要使用这些技术,因为它们会造成所有有记录的危害;市长和 SPD 停止追求 AGLS,试图安抚那些一直说他们不想要任何这些技术的公众。
市议员 Bob Kettle 提出了一项立法,允许 SPD 购买剩下的 2 项监视技术(CCTV 和 RTCC),并表示他计划在不到一个月的时间内迅速通过市议会通过该立法。
随着市议会和市长增加监狱支出,这种增加大规模监视的尝试正在发生;增加刑事定罪,包括恢复 SODA、SOAP 和游荡法的法案;并削减社会支出,包括学生心理健康支出。这是紧缩政策和大规模监禁的实际行动。
BIPOC 社区的枪支和其他暴力事件也有所增加。我们迫切需要解决方案来改善公共安全和我们的安全感,但我们需要的是真正的解决方案和行动,不会加剧问题或造成新的伤害和痛苦。我们的社区已经过度警务和监视,如果这些方法有效,那么它们早就起作用了。拟议的计划只会增加警务和监视并扩大大规模监禁;而不是解决导致伤害的根本原因和社会问题。
Mayor Harrell, Deputy Mayor Burgess, Council President Nelson, and Councilmembers Hollingswoth, Kettle, Moore, Morales, Rivera, Saka, Strauss, & Woo:
bruce.harrell@seattle.gov; tim.burgess@seattle.gov; oig@seattle.gov; lisa.judge@seattle.gov; civilrights@seattle.gov; Derrick.Wheeler-Smith@seattle.gov; council@seattle.gov
We are a concerned coalition of community members and organizations writing to ask you to reject the Seattle Police Department’s (SPD) request to buy and install Closed Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) and new Real-Time Crime Center (RTCC) software and invest the money currently allocated for them in equitable, evidence-based strategies for violence prevention.
Surveillance is a powerful tool of social oppression. It presupposes that the only people who will be impacted are those who are guilty, or, in the places this technology is implemented, all the people are already guilty. The presupposition of guilt is one of the quintessential elements of racism, classism, and sexism. It is something that those in the Black, Latinx, and Indigenous communities have contended with for generations. BIPOC communities have been under surveillance and suspected of wrongdoing since colonizers first arrived on these shores. When those most impacted say they do not want surveillance and that it will be harmful, and the response from the city is rooted in a presupposition of guilt, this is an expression of racism, classism, and sexism and a continuation of the colonial project.
There are harms in our city that our communities need to address. However, further penalization, punitiveness, and presumption of guilt is not the solution. This has been shown over and over again, including the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII and the stripping of civil rights of everyone descended from the Middle East and/or of the Islamic faith after 9/11. For those who will see cameras and microphones all over their neighborhood, and who will have their entire lives pulled up whenever a cop stops them, this is the evolution of the perception of being second class, of not being wanted, of being wrong and bad. These technologies will foster the very spirit of distrust and disunity that you claim to hope they will end.
While the above should be enough to reject the proposal outright and instead pursue alternatives, it has nonetheless also been our experience that you claim to want hard data and referenceable facts. The following clearly and succinctly defines that.
Gun violence is an issue of utmost seriousness in Seattle and deserves a significant and urgent response. This coalition believes that response should be increased investment in equitable and evidence-based strategies for gun violence prevention while also offering meaningful support to victims and survivors. Violence can be reduced by investments in violence interruption programs, mental health treatment, substance-abuse-treatment facilities, affordable housing, emergency financial assistance, and libraries. Poverty and income inequality are associated with violence, especially assault and homicide. Evidence supports that this is a causal link, inequality predicts homicides better than any other variable.
Surveillance contributes to disinvestment in communities. Seattle is required to have a balanced budget, every dollar spent on surveillance is a dollar that cannot be invested in any of the evidence-based strategies for violence prevention listed above or otherwise invested in our communities as mental health supports, programs for kids, parks/public spaces, affordable housing, jobs/job skill training, and food access.
The level of surveillance in Seattle is already so high that Whose Streets Our Streets (WSOS) has identified that the current level of surveillance has “a psychological effect on the people being surveilled.” The increase in this negative psychological impact that would happen if you allow SPD to buy CCTV and RTCC would disproportionately fall on BIPOC communities since SPD’s proposal would increase surveillance in “some of the highest-percentage minority population centers in King County.”
Police have a lengthy history of mis-using and abusing surveillance to blackmail people, target people based on their religion, spy on people, and cover up violence by police. SPD has a history of abusing the surveillance tools it already has, including to spy on protestors, stalk former romantic partners, and leak information about domestic violence victims.
Additionally, SPD has a history of providing inaccurate information in Surveillance Impact Reports (SIRs) for the technologies it wants. SPD has done this with CCTV & RTCC at least once already. On February 12, 2024, SPD Captain James Britt told the public that SPD would absolutely not actively monitor CCTV feeds in the RTCC. Nick Zajchowski from SPD contradicted this in the June 26, 2024 meeting of the Community Surveillance Working Group saying that SPD would be actively monitoring the camera feeds at least part of the time.
Cloud-based surveillance tools destroy Seattle’s ability to act as a sanctuary city and render Washington State’s Shield Law and the Keep Washington Working Act meaningless. Surveillance creates a map of people’s lives that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and law enforcement & private individuals in other states, including ones with bans on abortion and/or transgender healthcare, can access through the for-profit companies storing it. The CCTV pilot specifies the Aurora corridor and includes the Planned Parenthood located on Aurora Avenue and 105th. The rate of people coming from other states to seek abortion in Washington increased by 36% in 2023.
The documented harms of these surveillance technologies are part of why both the Community Surveillance Working Group (CSWG) and Office of Civil Rights (OCR) recommended against allowing SPD to purchase CCTV and RTCC.
RTCC and CCTV do not provide any benefit to mitigate all of the harm they cause. They neither reduce violence nor increase clearance (arrest rates) for violent crime. A 40 year systematic review with meta-analysis of the efficacy of CCTV - concludes “no significant effects observed for violent crime or disorder”. Despite RTCC’s high price tag (“initial costs ranging between several hundred thousand dollars and $11 million”), studies of RTCC show no effect on violent crime clearance rates.
We urge you to reject SPD’s request to purchase CCTV and RTCC and invest the $1.5 million currently allocated for them in equitable and evidence-based strategies for gun violence prevention. Many evidence-based programs already exist in Seattle such as the Regional Peacekeepers Collective coordinated by the Regional Office of Gun Violence Prevention and the Rainier Beach Action Coalition and their Restorative Resolutions project, which has already reduced violence in the Rainier Beach neighborhood by 33%. Investing in these programs would also put money into the actual communities most impacted by gun violence instead of giving that money to private companies located in different states.
Example of Evidence-Based Programs that Reduce Gun Violence
Violence interruption programs work. Neighborhoods that have adopted a Cure Violence Model or Group Violence Intervention Models have seen homicides and assaults decrease 30-50%. The city could scale effective community-led solutions such as the Regional Peacekeepers Collective coordinated by the Regional Office of Gun Violence Prevention and the Rainier Beach Action Coalition and their Restorative Resolutions project, which has already reduced violence in the Rainier Beach neighborhood by 33%.
Richmond, CA has chosen to invest in violence interruption and other community-led safety initiatives and they have seen a drop in the number of homicides compared to neighboring Oakland and San Francisco that have increased their police budgets and have not seen a decline in violent crime.
Both violent crime and property crime can be reduced by community investments. Investments like restoring vacant land and community non-profits that tackle violence and build community lead to reductions in both violent crime and property crimes.
Many communities across the country are making investments in preventative community-centered approaches and are seeing a reduction in crime and violence in the community.
Violent crime can be reduced by investments in mental health treatment, providing substance-abuse-treatment facilities, and access to affordable housing.
Poverty and income inequality are associated with violence, especially assault and homicide. Inequality predicts homicides better than any other variable. Evidence supports that this is a causal link. And direct income support has been found to reduce firearm violence.
Opening libraries and expanding library hours both reduce violence and property crimes.
Law enforcement agencies have a longer history of mis-using and abusing surveillance technologies
In Washington, DC a police lieutenant was caught using police surveillance technology to blackmail gay men.
CCTV camera operators have been caught using the cameras to spy into people's homes.
Cameras have been caught panning away from police violence to hide the police's actions.
Police departments have been caught manipulating and “losing” CCTV footage. One of the most notorious instances was the Baltimore Police Department repeatedly releasing manipulated footage and “losing” footage related to the police killing of Freddie Gray.
NYPD officers used mass surveillance technology to record and monitor everyone parked in front of a mosque.
Burmingham police also used this technology, in conjunction with other tools, to track Muslim residents.
Homeless residents, who have no option for privacy, are likely to become targets of mass surveillance. California is using AI to identify and target its homeless residents.
In 2021 LAPD requested bulk camera data targeting Black Lives Matter protesters.
In New York City there is evidence that NYPD has used surveillance technology to surveille Black Lives Matter protesters.
In Pasco County, Florida, the sheriff’s office’s RTCC encouraged officers to continuously monitor and harass residents for minor code violations such as missing mailbox numbers and overgrown grass. 1 in 10 people caught up by this system was a child.
In 2021 SPD Officer Swartz used police data to stalk his ex-girlfriend; in 2020, an officer accessed confidential information about a domestic violence investigation and shared it with someone involved; and just last year, an officer performed an unauthorized search for personal reasons to reveal a citizen’s firearm ownership.
Private individuals in Seattle have been caught using cameras to harass and criminalize patrons of Denny Blaine, a historic LGBTQIA+ nude beach.
Surveillance technology does NOT aid law enforcement in solving crime.
In a 40 year systematic review with meta-analysis of the efficacy of CCTV the authors concluded there were “no significant effects observed for violent crime” and “a body of research on the investigatory benefits of CCTV has yet to develop.”
A study of Dallas, TX found “[CCTV] cameras are likely not cost-effective in terms of increasing clearances” due to any increases in clearance rates being mostly limited to thefts and dropping quickly as the distance from cameras increased.
Research into burglaries in Thames Valley, UK found preserved video from CCTV cameras had no impact on whether or not burglaries were solved.
A British Home Office study examining 14 CCTV systems across the country similarly found “CCTV did not produce reductions in crime and it did not make people feel safer.”
No independent study has found Amazon Ring, one of the largest networks of CCTV cameras in the country, to have any impact on crime or clearance rates.
Studies have shown RTCC has no effect on violent crime clearance rates.
Surveillance technology targets BIPOC communities
SPD wants to place CCTV cameras in “some of the highest-percentage minority population centers in King County.”
The University of Hull Department of Social Policy looking into who CCTV camera operators focused on found “Black people were between one-and-a-half to two-and-a-half times more likely to be surveilled…” and ““[t]he young, the male and the black were systematically and disproportionately targeted, not because of their involvement in crime or disorder, but for ‘no obvious reason’ and on the basis of categorical suspicion alone.”
RTCC software, such as Fusus, has the potential to violate civil rights and liberties and undermines democratic values.
RTCC software, like Fusus, recruit a vast assortment of privately owned cameras that allow the company to bypass laws and restrictions which normally limit police. When an owner chooses to share real time access, in many cases the police can access footage without a warrant or notification to the owner.
The privatization of policing represented by relying on private consumers to expand the camera network undermines democratic values, excluding Seattle residents from being able to provide input and oversight over the growing Seattle surveillance apparatus.
RTCC software creates conditions that are ripe for police abuse, as it provides little if any oversight for how police use it, little documentation or auditable logs, and few transparency mechanisms. SPD already has a poor track record on preventing their officers from abusing law enforcement data.
RTCC software like Fusus is always adding new AI object recognition algorithms and integrations with third-party applications. This continuous introduction of new and unvetted surveillance capabilities would be in violation of Seattle’s Surveillance Ordinance.
CCTV, RTCC, and other surveillance technologies undercut Seattle’s values as a sanctuary city, putting undocumented people and people seeking abortion care at risk.
RTCC software like Fusus can turn any camera into a license plate reader which gathers enough data to reveal sensitive personal information, including where someone lives, works, and their religious affiliation. This puts communities that Seattle seeks to protect - abortion seekers and undocumented people - at a much higher threat of police surveillance and criminalization.
Anti-abortion groups have a history of using license plate data. RTCC software allows data to be shared across law enforcement agencies. Third party agencies in anti-abortion states could use this data to criminally prosecute those seeking abortion in Washington state.
Recently an Idaho mother and son were charged with kidnapping for allegedly taking a minor across state lines to access abortion care in Oregon.
The state of Texas has already attempted to get data from Seattle Children’s Hospital for any Texas residents receiving gender-affirming care. As soon as SPD switches over to a cloud-hosted RTCC database, red states will start issuing subpoenas to access data directly from Fusus.
SPD wants to place CCTV cameras next to Planned Parenthood Northgate Health Center clinic in north Seattle. While the health center is just outside of the “zone”, the cameras’ range of vision would include the center and anyone traveling through the “zone” to the health center.
By moving to a cloud-based platform, Customs and Border Control (CBC) and ICE can access SPD surveillance data directly; circumventing Washington State Law.
ICE has a practice of accessing data directly from private surveillance technology companies that market their products to police, in order to circumvent any local sanctuary laws.
Cloud-based software can be hacked. This happened in 2021 when hackers gained access to Verkada – giving them access to 150,000 cameras inside schools, hospitals, gyms, police stations, prisons, offices and women’s health clinics
By the undersigned,
350 Seattle
ACLU of Washington
Amazon Employees for Climate Justice
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Asian Counseling and Referral Service
Ballard Mutual Aid
CAIR Washington
CARW West Seattle Neighborhood Cohort (2020-1A)
Casa Latina
Central Seattle Greenways
Church Council of Greater Seattle
CID Coalition
Coalition for Rights & Safety for People in the Sex Trade
Coalition of Anti Racist Whites (CARW)
Community Collaboratory, LLC
Defend the Defund
Entre Hermanos
Extinction Rebellion Seattle
Freedom Socialist Party
Friends of Denny Blaine
Garfada Collective
Gender Justice League
Greenwood Mutual Aid
Legal Voice
Northwest Animal Rights Network (NARN)
Northwest Community Bail Fund
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
People Power WA
Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates
Puget Sound Mobilization for Reproductive Justice
Puget Sound Sage
Queer Power Alliance
Rainier Beach Action Coalition
Real Change
Seattle Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
Sketch House Games
The People’s Voices
Transit Riders Union
Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle
WA People's Privacy
Wallingford Indivisible
Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN)
Washington West African Center
Whose Streets Our Streets (WSOS)
Aaliyah Davis
Aaron Shay
Aaron Wheeler
Abigail Santiago
Achala Devi
Adrienne Weller
Aidan McDonald
Aimee Graesser
Ainslie Nguyen
Akshita Vaidyanathan
Al Smith
Alaina McCallum
Alex Berger
Alex Titus
Alexa Heitzenrader
Alice Nicholson
Allen Burgess
Allie Harris
Allison Bachner
Allison Masangkay
Allister Layne
Alora McGavin
Amanda Heffernan
Amanda locke
Amber Khan
Ammar Hussein
Amy Jiravisitcul
amy vong
Andrea Chin
Andrea O'Ferrall
Andres Pacheco
Andrew Smith
Andrew Thomas
Ann Dorsey
Anna Reed
arbor coy
Arielle Rodriguez
Ashleigh MacKinnon
Ashley Ford
Ashley Garrels
Ashley Seni
Audrey Rohwer
Avery Angell Swearer
Bennie Gross
Betsy Foley
BJ Last
Bob Kutter
Bonnie Feldberg
Brandi Hair
Brandon Davis
Brent McFarlane
Bridget O'Brien
Britney Phan
Brittany Matter
Brooke Christiansen
Cailey Turbin
Cailin Dahlin
Camille Baldwin-Bonney
Candace Bullard
Carly Eyler
Carmelito Gutierrez
Caroline Conley
Caroline M Bryant
Caroline Machart
Carolyn Akinbami
Carolyn Le
Carrie Lippy
Cassandra M
Cassandra M
Cassidy Walsh
Cause Haun
Chase Puentes
Chelsea Johnson
cheryl schneiderhan
Christina Ellis
Christina Twu
Christopher Lovings
Christy Hill
Cinda Stenger
Claire Simon
Clara Cantor
Clay Compton
Connor Fowler
Connor Stein
Dan "Dump the Democrats" DiLeva
Dan Hernbrott
Dandilion Cloverdale
Daniel Brant
Daniel Simmons-Marengo
David Andrews
David Ingram
David Westberg
Demian Godon
Derek Brown
Derek Dexheimer
Devon Pimentelli
Diana Schooling
Dianne Laguerta
eileen mccann
Eleanor Wildflower
Elena Rumiantseva
Elijah Faz
Eliza C
Eliza Furmansky
Elizabeth Arias
Elizabeth Quintana
Ella Shahn
Ellen Kissman
Elliott Lovett
Ember Klavins
Emily Chu
Emily Hazelton
Emily Miller
Emily Minakata
Emily Yoshioka
Emma Gell
Erica Cannatelli
Erica Hall
Erica Richardson
Erik S
Erika Cook
Ethan Spencer
Eugene Takahashi
Eva bhagwandin
Evelynn Straw
Faolán Rollosson Halbhuber
Fiona Yu
Florence Sum
Francine Lai
Frankie Reeder
Gaby Desatnik
Gordon Philip Baldwin
Grace Williams
Gracia H
Graham Golbuff
Graig Hill
Greg Covel
Griffin Brandstetter
Hali Bellisario
Hali Bellisario
Heidi Whalley
Holly Stevens
Ian Gauntt
Ingria Jones
Ingria Jones
Iridius izzarne
Iris Bordman
Isabella Medina
Isaiah Grose
Jaci Leavitt
Jackie Makdah
Jackson Barnes
Jacky Nakamura
Jacob Baca
Jacob Sarb
Jacob Stuivenga
Jacob Tsypkin
Jae Foxglove
Jaime Hoe
James Baldwin
Jamie Marks
Jared Howe
jason walsh
Jean M Schwinberg
Jean Schwinberg
Jen Blackwood
Jen Bourlier
Jen Primm
Jennifer Crowley
Jennifer Iyo
Jennifer Nemhauser
Jess Wallach
Jesse Floyd
Jessi May
Jessica Godwin
Jessica Puckett
Jim Loveland
Jo Gallegos
Jo Harvey
jo levien
Joanna Jinselli
Jodie Nathan
Joelle Pretty
John Beck
John Clemens
John Duksta
John Tullius
Johnny Mao
Jonathan Hartman
Jordan Goldwarg
Jordan Sullivan
Jordan Van Voast
Josephine Heyman
Josh Diamond
Josh Hou
Josh Wiese
Joshua Rotholz
Joshua Swanson
Julene Weaver
Julene Weaver
Julia Buck
Julian Frawley
Julien Friedman
K Norton
Kae Unterseher
Kae Unterseher
Kaitlin McCarthy
Kalie Vo
Kalila Jackson-Spieker
Karen Engelbrecht
Karen Mccaw
Karina Luboff
kat kranzler
Katelyn Mullikin
Katharine Knutzen
Katherine Busz
Katherine Kirk
Kathleen Anderson
Kathryn Compton
Katy Dichter
Katya Wilson
kelly bjork
Kelly Oberbillig
Kelsey Blackstone
Kelsey Funkhouser
Kelsey McGrath
Kelsey Nyland
Kendal Tull-Esterbrook
Kendra Peterson
Kenna Kettrick
Kenneth Tran
Kerry Murphy
Kevin Gallagher
Kevin Gallagher
Kiana Fukuyama
Kieran Wharton
Kira Benson
Kirsten Schumacher
Kit Frost
Kristen Bechtold
Kristi Boes
L Lin
Laura Bietman
Laura Finkelstein
Laura Gibbons
Laura Rapalski
Laura Rodriguez
Laurel Hecker
Lauren Freidenberg
Lauren McCulloch
Laurie Bohm-Gibson
Leah Eister
Lee Nadolski
Leela Newman
Leigh Riibe
Lenni Shea
Leo Kucewicz
Leo Sloan
Leo Sloan
LeTania Severe
Levi Fuller
Lila Burns
Linda Hendrix
Linda Strout
Linnea May
Liz Campbell
Lorenzo Canales
lucinda stroud
Lucy Bishop
Mackenzie Brown
Maddie Arthur
Maddy Kennard
Madeline Harris
Madison Silva
Madison Swain-Bowden
Maia Mares
Mallory Jordan
Marc Smason
Margaret crosson
Maria Abando
Marivic Borromeo
Marla Murdock
Marlie Somers
Marshall Bender
Matt Quarterman
Matt Wright
Matthew Offenbacher
Maxwell Sullivan
Maya Hahn
McCoy Patino
McKane Andrus
McKenna Princing
McKenzie Adkins
Meera Lee Sethi
meg cummins
Mei'lani Eyre
Melinda Mueller
Meredith Ruff
Michael Mellini
Michelle Fairow
Michelle Giarmarco
Miguel Fernandez
Miguel Lima
Mikaela Freundlich
Molly Mattingly
Molly Miller Petrie
Monica Hill
Monica Washington
Morgan Capps
Nastassia Barber
Nate Buck
Neil Baldock
Nell Gross
Nellie Joselyn
Nick Wagner
Nicole Engle
Noel Rivard
Noor Alzamami
Olivia Faith Lederman
Olivia Heath
Olivia Montgomery
Orin Dubrow
Orin Dubrow
Owen Kovarik
Pamela Heyman
Pardes Lyons-warren
Patricia Pedersen
Pennie O’Grady
Peter Condit
Phil Mocek
PJ Phillips
Quinn Wyatt
Rachel Beda
Rachel Braunstein
Rachel Brumer
Rachtha Danh
Rae Y Hanashiro
Raina Zacks
Randal McNabb
Ranny Nguyen
Raven Logan
Rebecca Haberkorn
Rebecca Lavigne
Rebecca Ryser
Rebecca Yin
Reid Smith
Renee Lamberjack
River perry
Robert Brown
Robert Drucker
Roberta Garcia
Robin Templeton
Rochelle Berg
Rosa Palumbo
Rosario-Maria Medina
Roxy Robles
Ruth Elan
Ruthie Carroll
Ryan Driscoll
Sabryna McDonald
Sam Coleman
Sam McVeety
Sarah Kavage
Sarah Meltzer
Sarah Vershon
Sarra Loew
Selene Russo
Seth Krantzler
Shannon Pickard
Shannon Ren
Sharon Lieberman
Shary B
Shary Bozied
Shayanna Kensington
Shelby Daugherty
Sheridan Sogge
Shirley Leung
Shreya Sharma
sidonie wittman
Sierra Smith
Signe Roscoe
Simon Knaphus
Siri Rigsby
Siri Rigsby
Sophia Miyazaki
Spencer Rawls
Stacey Wiese
Stefanie Brendler
Sue Kay
Summer Stevens
Susan Helf
Susan Moskwa
Susana Simmonds Bohorquez
Sylvie Gunderson
Tara Beach
Teresa Manz
Teresa Sweeney
Teresa Wofford
Thena Seer
Thomas Ourada
Tiffany Ha
Timothy Keeler
Tom Sheehan
Tor Shimizu
Tran Nguyen
Tyler Kipling
Vanessa Skantze
Vickie H. Woo
Victoria Banks
Victoria Urias
Victoria Urias
Vihtori Strider
Way Sum
Wendy W.
Whitney Kahn
Will Shaffer
Winne Luo
Wyatt Duclos
Xhavier Jacobsen
Zar Stackhouse
Zeynep Ertugay
Zoe Wahbeh
Zury Reyes